Case Study: Janie Jennings, Pilates Studio Owner

Janie Jennings came to Hanneke for business coaching to: 

  1. Get a strategic business plan and vision in place. 

  2. Simplify her goals and have more peace of mind that she was moving in the right. direction with her business.

  3. Simplify her daily routine and optimize her time to maximize profits.

  4. Add new instructors to her team.

Time working with Hanneke 1:1: Six months.

Here’s what transpired in that time: 

“I’ve never felt better about my business and where it’s going!” 

“I had my most profitable month just four months after starting to work with Hanneke.”

Transformation experienced as a result of working with Hanneke: 

- Janie has more downtime and is feeling less stressed, with more separation between work and life 

- She now has strategic goals with an efficient step-by-step plan to succeed 

- She has added a great new instructor that’s also doubling up as an assistant and social media manager.

- Janie's daily routine has been simplified to focus on teaching and growing the business, and she has freed up more time in her day! 

- Her business model has been updated to increase earnings while also incorporating all the offers that Janie’s passionate about,  bringing her more fulfillment.

- Janie has also learned to set better boundaries to protect her time and focus on the things that will move the needle on business growth.

“I’ve added ten new ideal clients since working with Hanneke.” 

“My whole mindset is just different. I know my business can support me, and I no longer have to prove it to myself. Even my husband has said I’m’ a whole new person.”

“I finally have time to take a step back and strategically think about my next move.”

Hanneke helped Janie to: 

  • Get grounded

  • Identify the tasks that would increase profits 

  • Set boundaries and take care of herself and her needs first

  • Free up more time in her schedule 

  • Set up a profit account for the business to spend guiltfree

“I finally have time to take a step back and strategically think about my next move.”

About Janie:

Janie is a certified Pilates instructor, yoga instructor, and a former dance teacher. Her love for Pilates began while exploring her options for pain management after an arthritis diagnosis.

Janie has studied with some of the most renowned experts in the Pilates field, including Laura B. Grant, a second-generation Master Pilates teacher of Loita San Miguel, who studied under Joseph Pilates. She founded her studio in 2005 and has successfully been sharing the magic of Pilates with students ever since.

Want more support to get these results in your business as well?

Here are all the ways I can help you to become the best possible leader for your business:

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