How Do I Create More Freedom In My Business?

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, I’m sure you’re already looking to create more freedom and efficiency in your business. As the owner of your business, there are so many tasks and decisions – so how does one ensure that you don’t trap yourself in the day-to-day?

In this article, I share the:

Best strategies to create more time freedom

1. Release control as soon as possible

Somewhere on social media, there’s a quote floating around that holds a lot of truth – and it goes something like this:

“ Small business owners’ businesses stay small because of their inability to release control”

When you insist on having a finger in every little detail of your business and want to control every single process, your business can only grow to a certain point before you are stretched way too thin and trapped.

And it will be impossible to create any sort of freedom (both time and financial) here.

It’s for this very reason that I always encourage (and challenge) my clients to start releasing control and outsourcing certain tasks in their business straight away. We usually start with very small, inconsequential duties and then slowly build up to more important assignments.

Incremental release of control helps both the entrepreneur and their team to build trust and confidence, which then builds momentum and helps both parties to get comfortable with operations.

2. Allow your team to fail

It’s important to stop being a helicopter manager and allow your team to drop the ball. Valuable lessons are learned from mistakes, and it ensures that processes get improved.

It also increases your teams' ability to take ownership and accountability for their assignments, which will ensure that they pay more attention to detail and avoid unnecessary errors.

When your team can take ownership and accountability – it will be a lot easier for you to step away and trust that they can function in a productive and efficient manner while you’re taking time off and/or using your time to focus on higher-level growth strategies. 

3. Schedule time off

There is a lot of truth in the saying:
“If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real”

Creating more freedom means planning ahead and booking off time in your calendar to work out, go on vacation, or grab lunch with a friend.

When you make these blocked-off times non-negotiable, you always prioritize and plan better and will still manage to get the important things done.

I have also noticed that when my client does time-blocking – they ask for and enlist help from their team, which then helps them also to release control of the lower-level day-to-day assignments in their business. 

A free resource that will help you create financial and time freedom

One resource that my private clients love and that helps them to focus and create more profits and freedom in their business is the Business Growth Acceleration Worksheet.

This powerful reflection tool helps them gain clarity and focus and identify the adjustments needed to ensure success.

A community to be in to hold you accountable to help you create more freedom

As a high-achieving service-based entrepreneur with big goals to grow your business and team, you already know that you’ve got to get out of the weeds of your business. You know you must set aside time to work ON your business vs. in it. 

But urgent business issues encroach on that precious time you’ve set aside every week. And inevitably, you don’t get around to strategically focus on the factors that will exponentially move your business to that next level. And even when you do manage to squeeze in that precious time to do the essential visionary work, you may very well be lacking a process to ensure you make those minor adjustments that will reap huge benefits.

But what if 

  • You had built-in accountability to ensure you worked ON your business every week? 

  • And you had a proven process highlighting where adjustments are needed and helped you plan better? 

And what if this all came with a community of savvy service-based entrepreneurs at your fingertips as well!?

Sound like what you need?

Then be sure to check out the Business Growth Achievers.

This is 100% the community for you if you’re a service-based entrepreneur with goals to:

- work ON your business more consistently and strategically
- grow a sustainable business with a team in tow
- be in a community with savvy high-achieving entrepreneurs like yourself

Click here for more details about The Business Growth Achievers community. 

If you liked what you read here, here’s how you can get more support from me to become the best entrepreneur you can be:


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